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What is "FPV"?
FPV is an acronym for "First Person View". How this applies to drones is very unique and is often why people refer to the drones themselves as "FPV" when they really mean FPV Drone. An FPV drone has a camera on board which you use to see through the "eye" of the drone by wearing goggles that show you the camera's video feed. This, paired with full manual control in all axis, makes for a special experience for the pilot and viewers of the captured video.
What makes an FPV Drone?
Below are a list of the different main components required to dive into FPV drones. This will be a summary of the parts not a complete breakdown or recommendation (coming soon).
First, to build a drone, you need a frame to build on. Most people in this hobby use carbon fiber frame which can be purchased from several online vendors.
Battery and Charging
Batteries are the source of power for drones. Knowing about capacity, cell count, voltage, C rating, and battery chemistry will play the largest part in deciding what to get for your drone.
FPV Camera System (VTX)
FPV drones use an onboard camera fixed to the front of the frame that the pilot uses to see as the drone flies. This is done by sending transmission signals from the drone to the pilot's goggle receivers which is then displayed on their screens.
Radio Link System (RX)
To control the way the drone flies, the pilot needs some type of controller. This is done by radio link via several different protocols. Some with better range, others with faster response to input. Radios vary depending on the need of the pilot. The way it works in simple terms is the controller has a transmitter that transmits inputs from the pilot to a receiver on the drone which then tells it what to do.
Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC)
The ESC is what controls the motors on a drone. They control speed and direction of rotation for each motor individually.
Flight Controller (FC) and Power Distribution
The FC is responsible for all communication and connectivity of the devices connected to it. All electronics are wired to this board where they are controlled by this device.